Friday, October 24, 2008

Funny dieters ...

So I had to take a minute to rant about "bad dieters" ... you know the types. They're the ones who always claim they are dieting, but you often wonder where and when this is taking place.
We all know someone like this.
They can't manage to eat the cheeseburger on the menu, but they order chocolate cake after their bowl of soup, chicken salad, loaf of garlic bread and butter.

Here's a good one. I knew a lady on the Slim Fast diet.
After a McDonalds McGriddle and hashbrowns she'd gulp down a Slim Fast shake, and a diet coke..


By the time lunch rolls around she'd already "snaked" on popcorn and crackers with canned cheese. No seriously. And who in the world actually buys canned cheese because it's good?!
That's neither here nor there ...
Add a Diet Coke it the mix.

So lunch consists of nachos or a burger, bag of chips, two diet cokes, and a Slim Fast bar. Hey now ... they're Slim Fast bars. They have to be working. Nevermind the eight thousand calories already devoured since the morning time.

Of course expect a little hunger by 2:30 or 3:00. Naturally another Slim Fast bar and/or shake could do the trick ... along with a "specially portioned bag" or Loorna Doone cookies.

Who knows what's left for dinner.

I don't get it.
Do people really think eating or drinking the Slim Fasts are going to somehow magically void the rest of the crap that they've eaten throughout the day?
And I guess were calling Diet Coke an actual diet booster drink. Apparently.

If people are that naive I'm going to have to start earning some money of my own.
I am now putting my Dyson to good use. Please, tell all your friends, I'm now offering instant weightloss through Dysosuction.


Home as Hobby said...

I know what you mean. I can't stand that either. Oh wait a minute, I have to go grab my Big Mac and Diet Coke. Okay, I'm back...Yeah, what is all that about? Crazy dieters!

The Moffitt's said...

wahahahaha, oh, and chris buys canned cheese because he LOVES the taste! :)