Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Are kids truly damaged by daycare?


We're not having kids now (!!!) ... this is just a debate I'm having.

Someone made the comment about someone else that "if you have to put your kid in daycare, you shouldn't have kids."

This got me to thinking, because I'm a realist - I know that when my time comes to have a child I can almost guarantee (unless we win the lottery or a family member moves closer) daycare will be my only option. Realistically speaking, it's almost a given that neither Matt nor I will ever have six-figure jobs that will allow either of us to stay at home.

So the question is: if two people truly want a child, but neither can afford to be stay-at-home parents but CAN afford daycare, are they unfit to be parents?

I think the objection from stay-at-home advocates is that if your child is with someone else (nanny, church daycare, regular daycare, etc) during the day, they are instilling THEIR values into YOUR child. While I see that side of the issue, I dare say that I've met many people who have gone to daycare at some point of their life, and they turned out just fine.

The arguement is that there will always be people who just can't afford to be a stay-at-home parent. There's no debate that one income provides better than two. Now, would I love to be a stay-at-home parent? Of course! But I feel I can provide more to a child by supplying a second income.

What it all boils down to, in my eyes, is how well I can raise a child and instill my love, teachings, and values in them regardless of whether I'm home or at work. I might not be able to spend every moment during the day with a child, but am I truly hindering their upbringing by sending them to daycare or allowing someone else to watch them for a portion of the day?

Love is all that matters, and sending a child to daycare doesn't mean you don't love them.


Don't forget that daycares/church groups, etc. are great ways in which children can learn social skills and make friends. And as for the arguement that only stay-at-home-children get values instilled by their parents, have we forgotten that children will be in school, taught by teachers, for at least 13 years of their life? It's the parent's job to teach right from wrong, no matter where your child is during the day. ???